Jared Norton is a private practice clinician and family professional, who practices in the area of high conflict custody and access disputes. He specialises in adolescent and family therapy, and is a mediator, assessor, and parenting coordinator.
Jared is speaker and trainer both in Canada and internationally on topics of Family Mediation, Parenting Coordination, and the Voice of the Child in ADR practice.
Jared is a registered social worker with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers and an accredited family mediator with the Ontario Association for Family Mediation. Jared is a former associate with Riverdale Mediation, and a mediator with mediate393 – the court connected mediation program in Toronto, Ontario. Jared also serves on the clinical panel of the Office of the Children’s Lawyer. Jared has previously practiced at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and Frontenac Youth services, and has conducted Section 34 YCJA assessments for youth in contact with the legal system, and assessments for The Arson Prevention Program for Children (TAPP-C).