TELEPHONE:+44 (0) 330 1330 852 


Day 1 of the Parenting Coordination training course introduces you to the role of the Parenting Coordinator. It explains the principles of Parenting Coordination, the professional guidelines and the challenges, as well as rewards, of the role. 

Key Learning Objectives 

Understand the various functions of the Parenting Coordinator 
Appreciate the limitations of the process, including the difference between Parenting Coordination and parent education therapy, parenting assessments and other DR processes. 
Learn the professional guidelines for the practice of the Parenting Coordinator; the interplay between other professional guidelines and professional practice guidelines for Parenting Coordinators, and the potential for conflict of interest of the Parenting Coordinator and the people to whom Parenting Coordination services are offered 
Understand the issues that are appropriate and not appropriate for parenting co-ordination 

Who is this training relevant for? 

Delegates wanting to train to become PCs are welcome from: 
Mental Health, and 
Social Work backgrounds. 
It is also possible to attend the individual modules and these are suitable for all family dispute resolution professionals who wish to learn more about family dynamics in divorce or separation. 



The trainers for this Day will be: 

Felicity Shedden 

Felicity is one of the founders of the FLiP Faculty and a passionate advocate for the new Parenting Coordination service that we are introducing into the UK. 
Felicity is a family solicitor, mediator, including direct consultation with children, arbitrator (both financial & property and children matters) and a collaborative lawyer. She also sits as a Deputy District Judge, and her judicial training and experience is invaluable in providing fair and effective arbitration and private judging services. 
Felicity is well-known as a speaker and trainer, at home and abroad. She has presented at numerous conferences, as well as regularly delivering training in dispute resolution. She has had articles published in, amongst others, Resolution’s “The Review”, Jordan’s “Family Law Journal” and “Family Law Journal (Legalease)” on a range of subjects related to family dispute resolution. 

Jared Norton 

Jared Norton is a private practice clinician and family professional, who practices in the area of high conflict custody and access disputes. He specialises in adolescent and family therapy, and is a mediator, assessor, and parenting coordinator. 
Jared is speaker and trainer both in Canada and internationally on topics of Family Mediation, Parenting Coordination, and the Voice of the Child in ADR practice. 

Parenting Coordination Programme Pricing 

This Parenting Coordination programme consists of 8 days of training. Individual one day (or two days) courses can be booked separately. 
The delegate rate for the full 8 day Parenting Coordination Programme is £1,850.00 + VAT 
For stand alone modules: 
The delegate rate for the 1 day course is £250.00 + VAT 
The delegate rate for the 2 day course is £500.00 + VAT 
Discounts are available for bookings of 3 delegates or more. 
For further information please call us on 0330 1330 852 or email 

Delegate Feedback 

Good clear information about what PC is and how it is structured. 
New skills and new ways of helping separated parents. 
An opportunity for the right people and the right training to truly help the dynamics of troubled families. 

CPD Certificates 

A CPD certificate will be provided at the end of the course. As a full day course this will be for 6 CPD points.